Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bowling for Columbine(10)

Michael Moore, famous director of many controversial documentaries, made a film on gun violence in the United States and what is really to blame for the Columbine massacre on April 20, 1999. This documentary is especially controversial because of the many issues brought up and Moore's persistance to find the truth behind the mayhem.
One issue that was a major part of the film was why the actions of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, Columbine killers, were taken and what was really to blame. As the film continues, society starts to blame the media. Violence in video games and harsh lyrics of a heavy metal icon, Marylin Manson were attacked first. Moore went straight to the source as usual and conducted an interview with Manson to get everything straight. Moore and Manson got into a deep conversation about that day and Manson brought something to the viewers attention that should have made society think twice about blaming Manson over our own leader-President Bush. The same man who "was shooting bombs overseas..and whos a bigger influence? The president or Marilyn Manson?" It is fact that the day of Columbine, the US launched more bombs on Kosovo than any other war in American history.(Missles Slam into Kosovo) Moore asked Manson what would he have told the two shooters if he knew they were about to do such a violent act. Manson stated, "I wouldn't have said a single word. I would have listened and thats what no one else did."(Bowling for Columbine:Manson Interview)

Works Cited

Sadler, Brent. "Missles Slam into Kosovo." 20 April 1999. 10 May 2008.

"Bowling for Columbine: Manson Interview." 28 June 2007. 10 May 2008.