Sunday, April 20, 2008


As I come to the end of my junior year, I start to think back on these past three years of high school and just remember. Most of my friends being seniors, its typical for them to start making plans to move out and get on with their lives. As graduation quickly approaches, students and teachers both start adjusting to the fact that a group of kids will be leaving the safe environment of school and being introduced to the real world. Its sad for the students in the lower classes, such as myself, because you have to see some of your best friends leave. Its hard for me to adjust because these people have been there for so long its not easy to just give them up. Of course I wish the best for each of them, I just would like to be selfish and make them stay right where they are. The times have been fun, and the memories will live on. But everyone wishes for "one more time".

Friday, April 11, 2008

Keeping Art Programs in Schools[8]

Whether it be a creative writing student entering their essay into a contest, an art student painting a mural on the school's cafeteria walls, or a high school band practicing their music for their Friday night performance in the stands, the art of creative expression is being practiced. Art is the gift of higher order thinking and being an individualist. Art, for some, is a gateway to escape the everyday monotany of their lives if only for a little while. With such positive effects, why would the subject of taking these programs out of schools even cross people's minds? If anything, these programs should be promoted and better supported.
Expressive art is the result of an indidual transforming their emotions into a form that can be experienced through one's senses. It opens the minds of younger kids to the idea of them defining who they are and not letting society do it for them. Artists view their talents as a treasure in which they get more satisfaction out of than their realities. In most cases, artists are unrequitted with their lives and art gives them an outlet. "He is a more delicate fellow than we are..he takes to all artistic endeavor, which is at once a criticism of life and an attempt to escape from life(H.L.Mencken Baltimore Sun 1924) A practicing artist is one who thinks "outside the box" and has creative ways of thinking. Most commonly found are artists that are more aware of the world around them and have developed an understanding of society that most others do not have.
Not only are artists advanced socially and culturally, they are also found to be some of the world's most successful people. Young artists, as compared with their peers, are more likely to be recognized for academic excellence, be elected to class office, participate in a math or science fair, wins awards for writing essays or poetry. Art programs in schools make a tremendous impact on the developmental growth of children and has been prvoen to help level the "learning field" across socio-economic boundaries.
The idea of possibly taking these programs out of schools is the result of people not understanding how much they can effect students and their future success by doing so. Artistry has such a positive influence on children and young adults when supported properly. It gives them an outlet to express themselves and opportunities to define who they truly are. Throught art, kids become motivated to take a road less traveled by; becoming their own person. Without these special programs in schools, how would they be shown the way to get to that road? Will we make their lives a one-way street filled with monotany and normalcy? Or let them explore the world around and let them decide for themselves which road they want to take.