Friday, March 7, 2008

Rhetorical Analysis-"Down in a Hole"

Released and recorded in 1992, Alice in Chain's "Down in a Hole", breaks through the surface of grunge-style rock with haunting lyrics and a depressing tone. Most people think of Layne Staley[lead singer AIC;1967-2002] and his heroin addiction as being the main subject of this song. Especially since this song was written towards the end of his life. What most fail to also realize is that guitarist Jerry Cantrell wrote this about the love of his life, Courtney Clarke. The lyrics can be taken either way, its just how the audience chooses to take it. References to being "in a hole" or a "tomb" are mentioned several times throughout the song. Think of the forbidden love between the famous "Romeo and Juliet". There are few lines that may create thoughts of the play, such as: "holding red flowers in her tomb" when Romeo goes to see Juliet in her tomb.."see my home now decorated like a grave" his new home will be Juliets tomb, once he kills himself."You dont understand who they thought i was supposed to be, look at me now i'm a man who wont let himself be".. Romeo was never supposed to be with Juliet, but he is obsessively in love with her and cannot prevent the way he feels. The lyrics repeat themselves multiple times to put significance on his strong love for her[Clarke]. The same words are used in the fourth and sixth stanzas as in the second. Words and emotions are added as the song continues to express the sadness Cantrell is feeling knowing he wants something he will never have.. "I'd like to fly but my wings have been so denied". So take it as you will, either the song being about Staley's fatal heroin addiction or the song being Cantrell's broken-hearted cry to his lost love, Alice in Chain's "Down in a Hole" is nothing less than a cry for help.


ComplexCourtneyy said...

Kudos to you deary :]

DeathUntoPaperclips said...

My only qualm with this is that it is one big paragraph. I tend to zone out when I see a wall of text. Other than that, beautifully done.