Wednesday, January 16, 2008


you have officially opened a can of worms that you will NEVER regret. :] you need to know a few things before you read any more of this. i am insane, i should be wearing a straight jacket in a roomwith pillows for walls. i am unlike any person out there. unique? i love making people laugh and laughing all the time. ask any one of my friends and theyll tell you. my life pretty much revolves around music. creating it. listening to it. analyzing it. music was my first love. one other thing about me is i will do anything for my friends. i would take a bullet for any one of them, and i know they would do the same. my niggas...they are my life and i love you all.

on a more serious note..this is where i came from and what ive been through. at the time of my birth, i was put up for adoption. luckily, i was only in foster care until i was four months old, at which time, i was adopted. can you guess who? yeah, my parents. lol my birth mother was heavy into drugs and alcohol, and my father...well, no one really knows. people ask if that has affected my life, the whole being adopted thing. :] and i can honestly say, no. yes, of course, i think about it occasionally, but its not a big deal. the way i see it is, the people who love and care for you are family. that love is thicker than blood and genes. that is my definition of family. that should be enough about me. oh wait? is this one of this cliche' blogs about my dreams and aspirations? well then. here it goes: when i get out of high school, i want to immediately attend college at LSU, majoring in Music Performance. i plan on getting married and all that wonderful crap. ahahaha oxy moron! i AM an english genius !! [que evil laugh] that does it for me. peace and chicken grease.


Jaclyn said...

i love it
its so you
ur a great writer

<3 jare bear